Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund!

ACB Diabetics In Action announces the launch of the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund!


On March 1, 2024, ACB Diabetics In Action launched the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund – a fund to provide members in good standing with emergency assistance.


Background:  Patricia (Pat) LaFrance-Wolf was remarkable in many ways, but in the context of this award program, she was a model for anyone who has diabetes. She became a type 1 diabetic at the age of 8. She handled her diabetes and stayed active for more than 65 years. It wasn’t easy to be a person with diabetes for many of those years, and while Pat suffered setbacks along the way, including blindness in mid-adulthood, she prevailed and stayed active as an inspiration to those who knew her and those who read her many posts on many diabetes-related bulletin boards and listservs.  She was actively engaged in providing diabetes education at the Braille Institute in Los Angeles, CA. Her last health crisis came in the midst of a telephone conference call, doing the work she loved, helping others every chance she had. Pat was indeed a truly selfless leader!


In honor of Pat and her tremendous work, ACB Diabetics in Action (ACBDA) Board of Directors created the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund to assist people living with diabetes and vision loss in June 2016. The purpose of this fund is to provide at least some assistance to members in good standing who live with diabetes and vision loss, and are in severe need of emergency assistance in managing their diabetes.


Goals: For 2024, the committee would like to begin accepting applications and providing assistance to members who are in need, budgeting $1000 for the calendar year.


Who Is Eligible?

Each applicant may receive one (1) award of up to $200  during a three-year period.


What will Be Supplied?

ACBDA will use as much flexibility as possible in determining what is supplied. It must be diabetes-related, and the applicant’s need for a grant must be established. Examples of what might be included can  be found on the online application form.

How to Apply

Applications can be submitted  to the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund committee Co-chairs via completion of the online application form, located on the website, under the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund link. (If completing the online application form presents barriers to an applicant, assistance will be provided by members of the committee)


Applications must include the following:

  1. Complete contact information including name, address, telephone number and e-mail address if available.
  2. Description of, and need for the requested items
  3. Explanation of why a grant is needed, i.e. financial issues
  4. Applicant must grant permission to share applicable information with the provider of the requested item(s).
  5. If awarded a grant from this fund, applicant must agree to write a statement explaining how the grant was helpful, which ACBDA can use to help promote the fund.

How Are Grant Funds Distributed?

Grant funds are distributed from ACBDA directly to the equipment/service provider. Funds are not distributed to the grant recipient. In some cases, ACBDA may elect, at its sole discretion, to provide requested equipment directly when such equipment has been donated to ACBDA by the equipment manufacturer, distributor, or other designated representative. ACBDA will never provide used equipment to an awardee under this program.


How will applications be judged?

Committee members will determine whether the applicant has met the fund’s criteria, including ACBDA membership.

The committee will evaluate the applicant’s circumstances and need for the funds.

The committee will evaluate the amount awarded based on the total cost of the requested item(s) and available funds.

The committee’s decision is final.

The committee members will keep each applicant’s sensitive financial and medical information confidential, only sharing applicant pertinent and contact information with the provider of the needed items. The committee will not share any applicant information with any other entities without the expressed written permission of the applicant.


How Long Does It Take to Receive a Grant?

ACBDA makes every effort to process completed applications within seven days after a fully completed application is received by the grants committee. If additional information is required, this process may take longer.


For more information, contact the committee at:


Application for Emergency Financial Assistance with Diabetes Management

Welcome to the application for emergency financial assistance with diabetes management form, a part of the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund.

Step 1 of 2


American Council of the Blind Diabetics in Action (ACBDA) has established the Patricia LaFrance-Wolf Memorial Fund to assist its members facing serious financial need for an emergency purchase of any diabetes supplies or services. It was created in honor of Patricia LaFrance-Wolf, who lived with diabetes and vision loss and became a tireless advocate for others living with diabetes and/or vision loss as well. Who is Eligible Each applicant may receive one (1) award of up to $200 during a three-year period. What diabetes-related items can be funded? ACBDA will use as much flexibility as possible in determining what items will be supplied. Funded items must be diabetes-related, and the applicant’s need for a grant must be established. Funded items may include: • Talking blood glucose meter • Supply of strips for a talking glucose meter • Supplies for a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System • Assistance with a co-pay for the purchase of diabetes-related supplies • Socks, compression hosiery, special shoes, and/or orthotics related to diabetes • Assistance to pay an accredited (ADCES certified) diabetes educator. • Insulin and other diabetes medications • Other items determined to be necessary by the committee. How will applications be judged? • Committee members will determine whether the applicant has met the fund’s criteria, including ACBDA membership. • The committee will evaluate the applicant’s circumstances and need for the funds. • The committee will evaluate the amount awarded based on the total cost of the requested item(s) and available funds, and may adjust the total amount of money awarded to the applicant. • The committee’s decision is final. • The committee members will agree to keep each applicant’s sensitive financial and medical information confidential, only sharing applicant pertinent and contact information with the provider of the needed items. The committee will not share any applicant information with any other entities without the expressed permission from the applicant. How are funded items distributed? • Grant funds are distributed from ACBDA directly to the equipment/service provider. Funds are not distributed directly to the grant recipient. • In some cases, ACBDA may elect, at its sole discretion, to provide requested equipment directly when such equipment has been donated to ACBDA by the equipment manufacturer, distributor, or other designated representative. ACBDA will never provide used equipment to an awardee under this program. • ACBDA will make every effort to process completed applications within seven days after a fully completed application is received by the grants committee. If additional information is required, this process may take longer. • ACBDA will verify that chosen providers send fully funded items to awardee in a timely manner. If you have any questions or concerns, or need further assistance, please contact: Committee co-chairs at:  


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